For the most up-to-date rules of our community, please direct yourself to the following link(s):
Stream Rules: Chatroom/Community
Stream Rules: Co-Hosting ... nd_Cohosts
Below is written a list of rules outlining expected behavior within all parts of The TomBobBlender Show Community. In all respects, you are to adhere to these standards or risk being banned from participating in the community. These rules are somewhat ambiguous by design so their interpretations can be applied to a variety of circumstances, though you may dispute any bans in the ban appeal section of these forums or with TomBobBlender at any time. The rules are outlined as follows:
Inappropriate language, meaning any language that is commonly found offensive, is not tolerated. Measures have been taken to ensure common such language is taken care of automatically and you will be removed from the community for any infractions of this rule.
Any behavior that causes a significant amount of unrest or disruption in the community is prohibited. A few examples are bullying, flooding, spamming, and flaming, though such behavior is not exclusively limited to these categories.
The posting of URLs in the community chatroom is limited to approval by a chatroom operator and must be "safe for work." You are responsible for the content on the website at the posted URL.
Every user has a right to privacy, so posting sensitive information about another user is prohibited and is a serious offense. No tolerance is given for violation of this rule.
Due to anti-piracy laws in the United States, the sharing of warez and warez sources is strictly prohibited in this community.
While in the community, you may not have any alternate accounts designed to disguise or decieve and only one account may be active at any given time. The use of multple accounts to evade bans is a serious offense and any abuse associated with proxies or vhosts will be reported to the Rizon network staff.
Ban Policies
Standard ban policy is a 15 minute ban for the first offense and double the last ban time for any bans thereafter, unless the offense merits a different punishment.
Getting yourself banned in order to leave the chatroom for any reason unless done so under the rules of a chatroom game (e.g. Banhammer Roulette) will almost always result in a minimum 24 hour ban. This is under the reasoning that the banned user does not expect to return any time soon and would not be affected by a standard ban.
If you have any concerns, questions, complaints, or feedback, please contact TomBobBlender. We advise you do NOT approach a moderator with such issues.
Notes for automated bot bans
Excessive Caps:
(voiced users) - devoiced for five (5) minutes
(unvoiced users) - ten (10) minute ban
Repeated Text:
(voiced users) - devoiced for one (1) minute
(unvoiced users) - kick from the room
Flooding (5 lines in 7 seconds):
(voiced users) - devoiced for one (1) minute
(unvoiced users) - five (5) minute ban
Official Stream Rules
- TomBobBlender
- Site Admin
- Posts: 195
- Joined: Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:24 pm
- Location: California
- Contact:
Official Stream Rules
"Now You're Playing With Power!"
Wii Number : 3546-5127-8610-8011
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 0301-9464-0567
Mario Kart Wii: 0516-7665-3917
Dr. Mario Rx Online: 4670-9321-8111
Tetris DS: 060635-257343
Mario Kart DS: 476896-529050
Tetris Party: 451135-831426

Wii Number : 3546-5127-8610-8011
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 0301-9464-0567
Mario Kart Wii: 0516-7665-3917
Dr. Mario Rx Online: 4670-9321-8111
Tetris DS: 060635-257343
Mario Kart DS: 476896-529050
Tetris Party: 451135-831426