Rizon Username Setup Tutorial

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We have used many chat rooms since The TomBobBlender Show began in 2008. Due to moving from one streaming service to another, we have also gained a user base from several sources. While we do monitor all embedded chat services (Ustream, Twitch, hitbox), we have decided in 2011 to centralize our community discussions and interactions on an independent chatting service from Rizon. It offers us maximum flexibility over other streaming services, as well as an independent location regardless of where the show takes place. It is conveniently located on our website for easy chatting and viewing. Provided in this tutorial are instructions on how to log in and register your username to our chatting service:

1. Please visit our website to gain access to our chat room. You will be presented with a screen similar to the following:

Replace the entire line with your own unique username that you wish to try and login with. The name may or may not be taken already, so have a few in mind. When you are content with your username choice, click on the big, delicious blue button labeled, 'CONNECT'.

2. A whole bunch of weird text will quickly scroll by, but don't be scared by this. In fact, you may even see a message stating <<< New Challenger Approaches: It's YourNick! >>>. If so, it means it's your first time visiting us, so welcome!

3. Our goal here today is to get your username registered. To do that, type !REGISTER in the white box beneath the incoming text. Then press your [ENTER] key.

4. More text will scroll by. These are your instructions on how to register your new username.

Scroll back up the text until you see STEP 1.

5. In the white box below, type in /QUERY TomBobSlender , but instead of TomBobSlender, use your username you are trying to register. Once done, press your [ENTER] key.

What this will do is open a second window for you to type in commands that contain sensitive information that you don't want other chat member to see. Press [ENTER]. If you typed the command in correctly, the following screen should pop up:

This is your 'Private Message' window. Only you will be able to see what is typed in here. So even if you mess up, nobody will know about it. Okay, let's sally forth! Go ahead and click on the blue tab on the left side of the gray one (the one you currently have open.). It will say #tombobblender on it.

6. From here, read STEP 2. You can toggle between these two windows anytime you wish, but remember to only use your commands in the window that has your username along the top (it will be the rightside window). In your 'Private Message' window, type in the command listed in STEP 2. It should look something similar to this:

Once you have double-checked your password choice and e-mail choice, go ahead and press your [ENTER] key. If all went well, you should receive a response that looks something like the following:

7. If so, then an e-mail will have been set with a special code to verify your username. At this time, go ahead and check your e-mail. DO NOT close down the browser or chat pages! It may take a few minutes for the e-mail to arrive. If you don't see it in your inbox, check your spam folders. There should be an e-mail with the subject Nickname Registration from Rizon Services. Inside the e-mail will be instructions similar to the following:

8. Navigate back to your 'Private Message' window and type in exactly what the e-mail has provided. It should match something similar to the following:

Once you are confident that the information is correct, cautiously press your [ENTER] key... You should receive the following response:

If you have received this response, then your username is now fully protected! Now refresh the "The TomBobBlender Show" window, and re-login with your username.

9. Now that your username is registered, it is now time to 'identify' with your username. To do this, type in /QUERY TomBobSlender, but instead of TomBobSlender, use your username you had registered. This will again pop up a 'Private Message' window. Go ahead and click on it.

10. Whenever you log in, make sure you identify. If you don't identify within a few minutes after signing on, your name will be changed. To prevent this, type in the following:

You would, of COURSE, use your own username in place of TomBobSlender and Sh0ckt0burrr with your own password. Once you've entered all of the correct informaion in, go ahead and press, with a shaky finger, the [ENTER] key. The following message should appear:

And with that, you are now registered AND identified! You can close this 'Private Message' window now and focus your attention on the main chat room (the one with #tombobblender at the top). Enjoy your stay!

If you are interested in automating the process of logging in and identifying with your username, consider checking out our mIRC tutorial!